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What is behind a Fairmined certification audit?

What is behind a Fairmined certification audit?

By: Lorena Botero, Standards and Certifications Officer at the Alliance for Responsible Mining

The Fairmined certification is a goal for many mining organizations that want to be reference in the artisanal and small-scale mining sector. The Certification is proudly displayed. The certificate is usually framed as a painting and displayed in the offices of the certified organizations. It’s like reaching the finish line after a demanding race. It is reaching the highest podium in a competition of many years of preparation and training. But, what is behind a Fairmined certification?

For many of the mining organizations the preparation to obtain it can take some time. It all depends on their level of formalization and internal management. For the most part, they are aware of the objective: I want to adopt a recognized international framework that allows me to differentiate myself, to show that I do my work with care, respect and environmental, labor and social commitment. Thanks to the accompaniment of the Alliance for Responsible Mining (ARM) and other allies, this journey becomes easier and more efficient. Commitment, dedication and perseverance are required qualities, that are abundant in mining organizations committed to their sustainable development.

Before achieving Fairmined certification, the mining organizations, with the support of the ARM technical team and in some cases with allied organizations, carry out a diagnosis that allows identifying the current state of the mining organization in relation to the entry criteria required by the Fairmined Standard, version 2.0. (April, 2014). This document is a kind of “Bible” or “lighthouse” that guides the way towards the best environmental and social practices in the artisanal and small-scale mining (ASM) sector. By being aware of the gap between “where I am at” as a mining organization and “where I want to get to”; the mining organization can take the steps to obtain the certification, complying with the entry requierements the Fairmined standard demands.

As that walk becomes constant, significant steps are taken; The possibility of achieving the Fairmined certification is approaching. For this, it is necessary for the mining organization to fill out an application form which, in turn, requires attaching documents, such us; the sketch of the mining area, list of members that make up the mining organization, a flow chart that illustrates all the processes through which the mineral passes, among others. This format and its annexes configure the application package for Fairmined certification. Similarly, a background search of the owners and partners is performed as part of the knowledge of the mining organization. Once all the documentation is sent, ARM’s Fairmined Application Verification Committee evaluates the information presented and approves the application; such information is forwarded to ARM-recognized third-party auditing firms. Audit firms must comply with strict audit protocols that guarantee quality in their verification.

Achieving the Fairmined certification is an independent process from the accompaniment provided by the Alliance for Responsible Mining. For this reason, there are audit firms endorsed by ARM that provide their audit service in the Fairmined fair mining scheme: both Naturacert and Imoswiss are the firms in charge of carrying out field verification, applying interviews to partners, workers and making observations of processes and facilities to determine whether or not a mining organization meets the entry criteria required by the Fairmined standard.

The criteria evaluated include aspects on fair labor conditions, environmental protection, governance of the Fairmined Premium and Development Plan; and responsibilities of the organizations, including aspects of traceability and commercial relations.

These strict compliance requirements are verified in person and documentary by the independent auditing firm chosen by the mining organization. The date of the field verification visit is agreed between the audit firm and the mining organization.

Before the visit, the audit firm performs a documentary verification and once in the field it is completed and corroborated along with other aspects that require on-site verification. At the end of the verification day in the field, a closing meeting is held, where the findings are shared. The mining organization has a period of 60 days to present a corrective plan, if non-conformities have been found: whether they are major or minor. This period is known as “closing non-conformities” and generally, the mining organization presents here a clear plan of action to resolve those non-conformities. Once the non-conformity period is closed, the audit firm issues its certification decision and sends the Fairmined certificate associated with the final audit report.

The mining organization has the right to register their complaints, suggestions, concerns or comments, about situations related to Fairmined Certification, the performance of auditing companies, compliance with the Fairmined Standard, rules and policies established by the Alliance for Responsible Mining (ARM). For this, there is the Fairmined certification Complaints, Claims and Suggestions Procedure, version 1.0.


The Fairmined premium is a recognition paid by the market (in addition to the sale price of gold) to mining organizations for the efforts and responsible practices that they implement within each mining organization. It is a great benefit for miners committed to responsible mining.

Lorena Botero, Standards and Certifications Officer at the Alliance for Responsible Mining Tweet

Every time a mining organization obtains the Fairmined certification meeting the entry requirements; such an organization is expected to maintain its certification year after year. The standard proposes a progressive path with increasingly demanding criteria as certification is obtained. To encourage and promote this great achievement, there is the Fairmined premium; a recognition in money paid by the market (in addition to the sale price of gold) to the mining organizations for the efforts and responsible practices that are being implemented within each mining organization. Part of the audits includes verifying the premium investments and with said information the annual Fairmined premium report is generated.

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