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Harbi Guerrero Morillo

Harbi Guerrero Morillo

Miner associated to COODMILLA mining organization

Harbi has a degree in Economy anf Financial Administración and works as an Artisanal and Small-scale miner. Harbi is an associate of the miners cooperative COODMILLA LTDA in the municipality of La Llanada in Nariño, Colombia, and has been part of its directive board on different occasions. As manager of COODMILLA LTDA in 2005, Harbi reached an agreement with regional and local governments for the establishment of a commercial platform for the cooperative, generating significant benefits to the mining community of the region. Harbi is now president of ASOMIRCOL (Asociación por la Minería Responsable y Comercio Justo del Suroccidente Colombiano) which was created by miners and local organizations from Nariño, Colombia to work towards Fairtrade and Fairmined (FT&FM) certification. As President of this organization, he has represented miners and ASOMIRCOL in ARM’s international workshops on the Fairtrade and Fairmined (FT&FM) standard in different countries of Latin America and Africa.