361,5kg of Fairmined Gold were sold in 2018
In the course of 2018, Fairmined Gold sales reached a total of 361,5 kg , a record that almost exceed last year’s sales by 100%. This is a great achievement that has been possible thanks to all the people who are part of the responsible gold supply chain. The team of the Alliance for Responsible Mining (ARM) welcomes this success which is a positive development for the Fairmined Initiative, its allies and collaborators.
This achievements also brings us closer to another important milestone: Between 2014 and 2018, 968,10 kg of Fairmined Gold have been sold worldwide, which means that soon we will be able to report the first ton of GOLD TO BE PROUD OF having reached the market.
This reaffirms the commitment of both miners and mining organizations as well as buyers and brands with responsible artisanal and small-scale mining as an active force for good which contributes to an institutional, social and environmentally sustainable development . ARM wants to thank the Fairmined certified mining organizations for their commitment, their work and their willingness to be part of the change. This achievement is also significant for them as they received USD $ 1,459,729 in 2018 through the Fairmined Premium.
Since 2014, a total of USD $ 3,665,928.52 of Fairmined Premium has been paid to certified mining organizations to invest in their sustainable development. Thanks to this premium, mining organizations can improve their productive performance, as well as the conditions of their workers and the community. In this report you can find examples of the use of the Fairmined Premium in 2017. The premium use of 2018 will be published in ARM’s annual report which will be published soon.
At ARM we feel proud and invite you to join us to continue the success story in 2019, which will be full of new challenges, partnerships and even higher goals.